At 09:31, we made it to the bridge under S Great SW Parkway where the creek is almost nonexistent. Where has all the water gone? Not far from there we found a water fountain that blasted water out the spout with a majority of it hitting the pavement. That answers that question.
At 09:54, we make it to the Western end of Fish Creek where Sheffield and Dartmouth intersect. Run Keeper had us at 4.66 miles projecting a 9 mile day with the walk back. We made a goal of trying to average about 20 minute miles on the stretch back. It is after all starting to warm up. But we had to find our final cache of the day first.
It took us almost 10 minutes to find it and it raises another dilemma. What is the point when caching diminishes the exertion of exercise. Right now, I am trying out a 5 to 10 minute rule. If it takes more than that to find a cache, I have to move on as the joy is more in being outside and active.
We hauled it on the way back averaging between 16 and 18 minutes. We didn't see as many people with the rising temperature Matter of fact, it was down right hot and we stunk. Now for some food, a shower, and the Tim McGraw concert tonight.

At 11:01, I found my first cache off the trail and this point on, I will be removing beggar's lice. But somehow, it is not a big deal today. It so happens, I came across a stamp on the trail that read, 'Life is short, Live it to its fullest.' Resonated as last night I went to see Tim McGraw and one of the songs the crowd sang back was 'Live Like You Were Dying'. The part about love deeper and speaking sweeter is working on my mindset.

At 12:30, I made it to the eastern terminus and sat while finding the last cache of the day. Summer in Texas doesn't take long to warm up and stay hot so I needed to make haste on the way back. Still, I took an excursion into Craven's Park where folks were playing baseball. As I walked from first to home, a wild pitch was thrown and the runner coming from third was tagged out. Just like that life happens as I walked by.

On Sunday (2013.06.23), I walked 6.35 miles in 2 hours : 36 minutes averaging 24 minutes : 40 seconds per mile with geocaching. My fastest mile was the 6th mile at 15 minutes : 58 seconds. The temperature when I stopped at 13:12 in the afternoon rose to 98 degrees. I took 13,098 steps.
Total Blogged miles : 87.95 miles.
Hi, we have lost a dog in the area! https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10203181227225124&set=a.2104432123992.2120000.1041163437&type=1&theater¬if_t=like