Thursday, April 18, 2013

Adventure Inception

2013.04.18 - Ever since I had stop geocaching, I had been looking for something to fill that void. Geocaching had taken a lot of my time and I enjoyed it very much. One thing I loved about it was all the new places it took me and discovering their hidden gems. Like when I climbed Guadalupe Peak, the highest point in Texas, or an Estrella Mountain peak just outside of Phoenix on a warm May day, or even a trail in the back country of Colorado or the Wind Tunnels north of Salt Lake or even a nice cactus trek outside of Tucson. If you haven't noticed, I have this thing for high places.

Marana and Saguaro National Park (Near Tucson, AZ)
The best aspect of that game was going outside, kicking up dirt along an unpaved path and smelling the trees at their prime. At night, the stars winked at my smallness and its vastness. It was easy to determine how short life is against the timelessness of the universe.

If there was a turning point to hiking, it must have been the first few miles on the Pacific Crest Trail over Thanksgiving '12. I started close to the numbered walls along the US-Mexican border and headed the only direction I could, north. In the next couple of days, I balanced hiking and geocaching while having the time of my life. For the first 20 miles, I only had 100 ounces of water and I didn't feel dehydrated even with an overnight stay and a nice valley forge. However, it was being alone with California desert, vulnerable to the unexpected and the wild, while always being confident that everything was gonna be alright. that sealed the deal. That trail and that hike made for a perfect transition. I knew that I could stop geocaching, but I would never stop an adventure.

Pacific Crest Trail (California)
The inspiration for this blog project, actually comes from Cheryl Strayed and her book, Wild (From Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest Trail).  Her ups, downs, rawness, unpreparedness, journey, and soul search, pushed me to action. In this virtual, world wide space, I am going to write about my hikes, bikes, and/or kayak experiences, and/or any awesome places I discover. In words, photographs, and/or videos, I aim to share my life. In essence this is my adventure inception blogger style.

I am going to start with some hikes in the book, 60 Hikes Within 60 Miles: Dallas/Fort Worth by Joanie Sanchez. All the while keeping myself open to whatever opportunities come. I will go into the wilderness armed with only my camera, phone, and sense of adventure. I believe the only way to trek is with footprints in, memories out.

Trail Miles Blogged: 0 miles.

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